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Ein wunderschönes Lied von John Shipe - "Pit Bull Blues", das die Problematik auf den Punkt bringt.

Wir sind sehr froh und stolz darauf, dass wir die Erlaubnis von John Shipe bekommen haben, seinen wunderbaren Song hier auf der Internetseite präsentieren zu können.

Dear Mr. Heise,
Thank you so much for your kind words. You may put the song on your website. I am grateful that so many people have loved the song, and anybody is welcome to use it to spread the word about Pit Bulls.
Thank you so much.

Please use the song in anyway you would like.
I will send you the link to the CD with that song on it, if you want to put it on your website.

John SHipe

Hier gehts zur Seite von John Shipe:

Den Link zu der CD mit dem Pit Bull Blues werden wir hier sofort veröffentlichen, sobald wir ihn haben.
John Shipe hat uns und unseren geliebten Hunden geholfen. Jetzt haben wir alle die Chance uns dafür zu bedanken. Also bestellt die CD und unterstützt John mit dem Kauf, denn dann wird es bestimmt weitere dieser wunderbaren Lieder geben.

Pit Bull Blues

People see me walking down the street, they all run and hide.
I used to take it personally, now I take it in stride.
I‘ve got nothing against no one, I wouldn‘t hurt a fly.
But People seem to think I‘m mean, and here‘s why, here‘s why

I‘m a Pit Bull, a big brown red nosed Pit Bull
a tooth-baring muscle-bound pit bull,
I look like I could tear the steel of a locomotive freight train.

People park three spaces away when I‘m waiting in the car.
All the kids in the neighborhood, they never walk through my yard.There‘s a rumor flowing round the country, that I ate three cats.
But I swear from the bottom of my canine heart, I didn‘t do that, no, I didn‘t do that!

But I‘m a Pit Bull, a big brown red nosed Pit Bull
a tooth-baring muscle-bound pit bull,
I look like I can dig a hole through a concrete block.

I got this Pit Bull Blues, all I wanna do is sniff your shoes.
I ain‘t no killer hound, no, I‘m the friendliest dog in town.

You say the sound of my barking could break through arctic ice
But deep down I‘m a pussycat, I‘m just trying to be nice.
In case you didn‘t notice I‘m wagging my tail at the speed of light,
no matter what I do, I‘m accused of looking for a fight.

Yeah, ‚cause I‘m a Pit Bull, a big brown red nosed Pit Bull
a tooth-baring muscle-bound pit bull,
I look like I could crush a cannonball in my jaws.

I couldn‘t do any of these things

Hier den Song hören und schön laut mitsingen:
Pit Bull Blues.mp3